
Delivering Good Corporate Governance in Practice

Wed, 09/25/2019 - 14:30 ledconsult_admin

Leadership Development Training Consult (LEDCON) is organizing a customized training on corporate governance for health administrators and senior staff of health institutions.

The seminar is scheduled as follows:

Date: Friday, 18th October, 2019

Time: 09:00am - 04:00pm

Venue: Yiri Lodge, near Noguchi Memorial Institute, University of Ghana, Legon

Participation fee per head: GHS 500.00

Resource Person: Mr. Samuel Mawusi Asafo, a Training Professional, Strategic Audit Consultant, a Professional Administrator, and Chief Executive Officer of the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants - Ghana

Topic: Delivering Good Corporate Governance in Practice


Good corporate governance is of increasing importance globally and therefore demands different approaches, competencies, and style. It's [urpose is to build good management and operations, transparency and accountability necessary for financial stability and business integrity, in pursuit of excellent governance practice. The programme is designed to help participants recognise components of effective integrated frameworks for good governance practice. It will assist them to implement a structural process, behavioral compliance, risk and performance imperatives needed within a robust environment.


Participants will be provided with the following:

Conference materials, Snacks, Lunch & Certificate of Participation

Expected Participants:

Chief Executive Officers, Medical Directors, Hospital Administrators, Human Resource Practitioners, Board Members, Heads of Department, Finance Managers, Accountants, Managers, Auditors, etc within the health sector.

Contacts: 0507983027, 0245655809, 0245237816


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